Congressman Steven Horsford on Today’s Electoral College Certification

Rep. Steven Horsford
2 min readJan 6, 2021


If the last few years have shown us anything, it’s the need to reinforce the ideals of American democracy.

For too long, there has not been enough focus on teaching, learning, and understanding the democratic ideals that guide our government. The framers of our Constitution carefully designed the government to ensure checks and balances between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches — but they vested ultimate power in the people. The cornerstone of our democracy is based on “free, fair, and open” elections, where the people decide who is elected to office at the local, state, and federal levels.

And in this election, it is clear that the people of the United States have spoken and elected President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris as our next president and vice-president.

Today, as required under the Constitution and under the 1887 Electoral Count Act, Congress will perform its duty to report the results of the Electoral College.

I take this responsibility to protect our democracy solemnly and want to express my commitment to ensuring that our elections continue to be free, fair, and open. I’m deeply disappointed that some of my Republican colleagues are attempting to invalidate the ballots cast by Nevada voters, especially after their baseless claims were investigated and dismissed by the Supreme Court of Nevada.

When the Joint Session gavels in, I hope that all members of Congress will accept the results of this election and come together to work on behalf of the American people as their duly-elected representatives. This is a challenging time, and Americans deserve leaders who will put their well-being first.

As the 117th Congress begins, my priorities remain crystal clear: Work to crush the COVID-19 virus, get our economy back on track, and restore trust and confidence in our democratic institutions. I know that President-elect Biden will bring a steady hand to the White House, and I look forward to working with him and Vice President-elect Harris to restore the soul of our nation and achieve these shared goals.

